Red Mulberry

Red Mulberry

Pollen Type: Tree

Cross-Reactivity: Other Mulberries

HS Allergy Extract: Mulberry Mix (RW)

Family: Moraceae

Genus/Species: Morus rubra

Common Names: Red Mulberry, Mulberry

Distribution: All States West of the Mississippi River.

Locations: Grows best in rich, moist, well-drained soils and near rivers and streams.

Pollination Method: Wind-pollinated

Pollinating Period: Winter into summer, depending on latitude & elevation

Description: Red Mulberry is a small, fast-growing deciduous tree native to eastern and central North America. It grows up to 30’ tall and features a short trunk about 2’ in diameter. Its bark is grey-brown with a reddish tinge with scaly ridges that peel and curl. It is alternate-leaved, meaning there is one leaf per plant node which grow on alternate sides. The leaves are thin, somewhat heart-shaped, and toothed along the edges. Leaves can have up to three lobes (extensions). In the spring, the male and female flowers mature and the tree then produces 1”-1 ¼” clusters of drupes (fleshy fruits with a single seed). The unripe fruit is poisonous, but when fully mature, the fruit is safe to eat.

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Red Mulberry