

Low Allergenicity

Pollen Type: Weed

HS Allergy Extract: Goldenrod

Family: Compositae

Genus/Species: Solidago canadensis

Common Names: Goldenrod

Distribution: Throughout the United States.

Locations: Woodlands, swamps, on mountains, in fields, and along roadsides.

Pollination Method: Insect-pollinated; sometimes wind-pollinated

Pollinating Period: August & September

Description: Goldenrod is a perennial herb, usually with simple stems, which grows 2’-4’ tall. It grows and spreads by creeping rootstalks (rhizomes). The stems feature lines of white hairs, while the undersides of the leaves are hairless. The leaves are alternate and can be toothed or entire (whole) and are 4”-6” long and 1” wide. The flower heads are small, numerous, and brilliant yellow in most species. Most species produce small amounts of pollen, but two eastern species, Noble Goldenrod and Seaside Goldenrod, yield considerable pollen, some of which becomes atmospheric. Goldenrod is a medicinal plant but can be toxic to cattle if eaten in large quantities.

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