Eastern Dog Fennel
Pollen Type: Weed
Cross-Reactivity: None
HS Allergy Extract: Dog Fennel, Eastern
Family: Asteraceae
Genus/Species: Eupatorium capillifolium
Common Names: Dog Fennel, Dogfennel
Distribution: Florida to the coasts of Massachusetts.
Locations: Severely disturbed areas, burned areas, roadsides.
Pollination Method: Wind-pollinated
Pollinating Period: Summer into Fall, depending on latitude & elevation
Description: Dogfennel is a perennial herbaceous weed native to the eastern and south-central United States. It grows 19″-78″ tall and has several stems that fork from a large base. The stems and base are covered in leaves that are divided and resemble branching green threads coming out of the stem in broken patterns. When crushed, the leaves and flowers have an unpleasant smell. Dogfennel tends to thrive in areas that have been disturbed, including roadsides, fields, reduced tillage crops, and areas that have burned.