Curly Dock
Pollen Type: Weed
Cross-Reactivity: Bitter Dock, Yellow Dock, Sheep Sorrel
HS Allergy Extract: Dock/Sorrel Mix
Family: Polygonaceae
Genus/Species: Rumex crispus
Common Names: Curly Dock, Yellow Dock, Sour Dock, Narrow-leaved Dock
Distribution: Throughout the United States.
Locations: Neglected or disturbed ground in open fields, pastures, hay fields, forages, and along roadsides.
Pollinating Period: June-August. Earlier in warmer areas.
Pollination Method: Wind-pollinated
Description: Curly Dock is a stout perennial 1½’-5‘. During the first year, the plant forms a dense rosette of long wavy-edged leaves on upright stems. The flowers grow in dense clusters at the end of the 1’- 2’ long branch. When in fruit during late summer and fall, the tops turn their characteristic reddish-brown.